Planning a Christmas move? This is what you need to know

November 14, 2022

It has to be said that when it comes to moving home, there really is no great time to move. Regardless of what time of year it is, no matter the season, there are always going to be things that can go wrong (and probably will) and hurdles for you to try and work around.

Despite this, there is one time of year that you will find most people avoid moving at all costs and his is during Christmas. Whilst you may avoid a Christmas move as much as you can, sometimes this can be inevitable, and you will find yourself trying to manoeuvre a move during the festive season.

The good news is that, whilst it isn’t ideal, there are plenty of things that you can do to make sure that your move is as easy as possible and here are some of them.

Always book things as far in advance as you can

Removal companies, much like many others out there, will have a bit of a wind-down during the Christmas season, this may mean that they will not be able to offer their standard level of service that you can normally expect for your move. The best way to try to avoid this is by booking in these key parts of your move as far in advance as possible.

Wrap up warm

It goes without saying that it is going to be cold during the winter months and as you are going to be moving around outside, then into a house that probably hasn’t been heated, you are going to get cold. This means that one key part of moving at Christmas is to make sure that you wrap up warm. That said, you may get warm as you are more active throughout the day, so, it makes sense to opt for layers that you can take on or off, rather than one thick layer.

Make sure that you send people your new address

Christmas is always a busy time for the post service, which means that you are going to want to make sure that you notify people of your new address as early as possible. Not only will this help to make sure that you get all your cards and presents, but also that things won’t get lost or delayed in the post.

Have a Christmas box ready to go

A big part of feeling festive is having a festive home, so if you are moving during Christmas and you want to make sure that your home is as Christmas as possible, then you need to think about your supplies. Make yourself a Christmas box with everything that you are going to want to get out quickly in your new home and make sure that it is clearly labelled. That way you can make sure that it is one of the first boxes that you unpack during your move.

Moving during Christmas can be stressful, however, it is something that you can make better by making sure that you plan and that you are ready for anything that can come your way. Including snow.